Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Favorite Religious Holiday

Alright, this is (once again) a "not-actually-a-sketch" post... but you get a (sort-of) complete comic instead, so hopefully that works for you. This Saturday, May 3rd is the greatest holiday EVER, better than even International Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day. Yes, this weekend is:


... so make sure you find your local comic book shop and VISIT IT. Most shops have free comics, free games, stuff for kids, and all sorts of other fun. So you should all use the shop locator and get out there. I won't be able to celebrate this year, since SOMEBODY had to get MARRIED that day.

le sigh

Hopefully I'll have a new sketch up soon... in the meantime, enjoy this blast-from-the-past and don't forget FCBD!

NOTE: As I'm sure most of you will notice, the date in the comic is wrong... FCBD is Saturday, May 3, 2008.

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